College Life
My college life has been kinda exciting too. I did Diploma of Business in Office Administration
in Southbank Institute of T A F E (Tecnical and Further Education) from 1996 until 1997. Unfortunately,
I didn't get to finish it because of those YUMCHA gurls!! hihihi.....but not to worry, I didn't regret a single
penny I spent on those Yumcha splurge!.........1998, I did another course which was
Certificate in Travel/Tourism - International Level 3
in Queensland Commercial College...and I have finished this course last December 1998.
I loved this course so much, because it made me realised on what I really wanted to do out of my life!!!(not just bumming around)..
, and that is to......TRAVEL!!......Now, my goal is to become successful in any field of Tourism Industry I get into and visit all the
beautiful places that I have learned or heard about and places I'm about to find..... I like meeting people, new and interesting people, I guess I enjoy doing that. Hopefully,
you may be one of those people that I will meet in the future someday!!
Hobbies and etceteraz
I love dancing ....there's no doubt about it! I start getting jiggy with it as soon as I hear the beat of the music!!
I like any kind of dancing either modern, folkdancing, ballroom (don't know how to dance this yet.. just waltz i know), I'm not saying I'm a good dancer, but I think I can dance!!...I
like hiphop music when it comes to the dancefloor and a little bit of Techno!!...R&B is cooool babe!!Baby, when you're grinding I get so excited!oh yeaaaahh!!........
Also, I like Filipino songs, especially the lovesongs, because you can really feel the passion out of those songs especially when you sing it and dedicate it to someone special!!.....It's so romantic!!! *kiligs*...
I can also play guitar (but just a little bit), I like to play lovesongs and some old songs ('coz I'm a sentimental kind!). I also
like going to the movies!!! I like watching romantic comedy and suspense movies!! don't like actions stuff! it's too barbaric!!!
Oohh I almost forgot to say, another pasttime of mine here in Australia is folkdancing!!!
I joined a folkdancegroup here in Brisbane, called the Sampaguita Folkloric DanceTroupe. I joined the dancegroup in 1995,
just kinda got bored here so I thought I'd do something interesting!... We get invited to perform in different functions and events in many places. We have performed as far as Kyogle, New South Wales's a lot of fun especially for our young members, because at such a young age they visit different places and they practice their self-confidence by performing in front of many people which boost their self-esteem..
Foooooodddddddd!!! ...i love FOOD!,,i love Pork Adobo, pasta, and Strawberry
Smoothie!!!yyyuuuummmm!!!!I love eating!..I love Japanese food, Thai Food, and.. oohhh the only turn-down about it is that, you gain weight if you eat a lot!
especially to those people that find it hard to shred those kilos (like me!! waaahh) I guess we gotta be careful gurls!!......BUT WHO CARES!!!!.
I like dining out, even if its only in Turo-Turo(point-point restaurant), as long it is delicious, nutritious and CLEAN food!!
LoveLife |
Well, don't ask me about it because you'll be confused (I'm confused too!)...well, I think you just have to talk to me in
person or on mIRC, then I'll tell you who I am in love with (at that particular day or week, or month!hahahaha)!!...If I'm in love, my bestfriend Jennifer knows about it, 'coz I'll be annoying her and blabbering his (or their)
name all the time,....and I feel, I feel, I feel.... I'm in cloud 9 !!(don't we all??)...oooohhhh so much for love!!!my heart keeps on spinning around!!
Uhhmmm, I think it's time for me to sign off...
I have said enough about myself and I have probably bored you with it!
Thank you so much for visiting my simple HomePage, I hope you had a good laugh about me!...................
Please don't forget to sign my GuestBook, so at least I know who to annoy back!!(just kidding!)
......See you around and also if I don't see you again...
Good Afternoon, Good Evening and Good Night!!!!!(I never say GoodMorning to anyone 'coz I'm never awake during the day!!)
I Love You All!!*muah*
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